There are many misunderstandings, especially with sweaters, it is easy and quick to wash them.
For reading lazy:
- Switch on the woolenwash, adjust 20 to 30 degrees
- Let the program go through with slinging
- Lying down flat on a clothes stock
- Shut off the inside briefly without pressure
For interested parties
Regardless of which brand, whether cotton, wool or even cashmere, every sweater should be washed in the machine in the wool wash, even if the sign is in the care label. Unfortunately there is no sign of the woolenwat. Under no circumstances should you confuse the woolenwater with the delicacy.
Turn the sweater "on the left" or "Inside Out" or "Inside to the outside", everything means the same. Wash dark and particularly fine parts at 20 degrees to a maximum of 30 degrees. As a detergent, you can take every fine detergent, gladly an ecological. Additives are not necessary, a special wool detergent is not mandatory.
Please do not use fabric softener, you never need it, so never really.
Let the woolen crest go through completely, even with the light spinning. The complete wash is gentler than any hand washing.
Take the sweater out of the drum and pull something in shape. If you are brave, put the sweaters in a dryer in the wool program. But don't have to be, just place lying flat on a clothes stand, possibly place a towel underneath.
If you want to dampen the sweater from the inside without pressure afterwards. This saves yourself when drying in the dryer, but only in a modern dryer with a wool program.
Due to regular washing, starting before wearing for the first time, a sweater is always softer without losing the shape. Because of washing, the wool strengthens a little, prevents or slows down the nodules.